Accounting Desk Book: Selected Topics

Course number: AA990231

Discusses selected topics that cover many aspects of accounting.

These topics include:

  • The principles, disclosure, analysis, and interpretation of financial statements revenues, and expenses
  • Stockholders’ Equity
  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • Segment Reporting
  • Cost Accounting
  • Internet Accounting, E-commerce, Insurance Accounting
  • Expert Witness Guidelines
  • Internal Controls
  • The Going Concern Concept
  • Interim Reporting Guidelines
  • Reporting of Cash Payments over $10,000
  • Goodwill
  • Foreign Currency Translations
  • The FASB Codification Project and International Convergence

Course level: Basic. Prerequisites: None.

Course includes integrated text and study guide, final exam, and grading service.

NASBA field of study: Accounting     Course credit: 24 hours